Honoring Our Own

//Honoring Our Own
Honoring Our Own2017-05-19T09:20:29-04:00

On January 31st, 2015 Community Living Timmins Intégration Communautaire (C.L.T.I.C.) and Special Olympics Timmins got together to honor and remember two individuals that were involved with both C.L.T.I.C. and Special Olympics, Darcy Traviss and Norm Martin.

Curling at the McIntryre Curling Club, 20 teams were spit into two divisions. Team Norm Martin, representing Community Living shot blue rocks all day. Team Darcy Traviss, representing Special Olympics Timmins shot red rocks all day.

For the event the 20 team were made of a combination of employee’s from Community Living, athletes from Special Olympics, and the general public with one team coming in from Iroquois Falls.

At the end of the day, what ever team was able to gather more points recieved a donation towards their organization in the amout of 60% of the funds raised and the team that came in second in points recieved 40% of the funds raised.

Once all competition was complete, Team Martin finished on top of the point board in what was described as a very tight race to the finish, with only 15 points seperating the two teams heading into the final draw.

Both organizations want to extend a thank you to everyone that attended as there was fun had by all and both athletes were felt as being there with us and showing us how they lived each and every day of their lives.

Both organizations also want to send an extra special thank you to our sponsors for the event for without them the event could not run and ensured that each dollar raised from entry fees went back into donations to our organizations.

Atlantic Power – Platinum Sponsor
Tim Hortons Riverside location – Silver Sponsor
Daily’s Your Independent Grocers – Silver Sponsor

We would also like to thank Moose FM and the Timmins Times for their coverage of the event.

We want to make this an yearly event. If you are interested in entering next years event as an individual or as a team please contact Darrell Sarrasin at dsarrasin@cltic.ca or call 705-268-4275.

Please see the pictures below that were captured at the event. Due to multiple photographers, as we recieve photos more will be added.

Team Special Olympics for Martin-Traviss Memorial Bonspeil

Team Community Living for Martin-Traviss Memorial Bonspeil

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